更新时间:08-26 (小时代)提供原创文章
Abstract:In recent years, along with the Hangzhou house price's rapid rise, the increase scope which the house price increase scope and the resident received presented the serious deviation, has caused the serious accommodation, “sandwich class” the crowd also such to arise at the historic moment. This article through Hangzhou “sandwich class” housing status analysis, and unifies the overseas developed country success case, to Hangzhou “sandwich class ” housing countermeasure research.
Key words: Sandwich Class;Housing Needs:Housing Policy
“夹心层”既不能享受住房政策,又难以支付商品房,高不成低不就,处于住房尴尬的“夹心”处境。解决“夹心层”住房问题,对于我国完善住房保障体系、提高住房保障力度有着重大意义。解决“夹心层”群体住房问题的根本途径是巩固发展已有政策并提高政策的灵活性, 丰富住宅产业, 提供合适的租赁住宅( 其中又可细分为廉租房、公共租赁房、市场租赁房) , 加大经济适用房、限价房的建设面积, 降低其限制门槛。与此同时, 运用宏观调控和市场调控使房价理性回归步入正轨, 进一步完善社会保障特别是居民住房保障, 将“夹心层”涵盖到保障体系之内。只有使中低等收入者都能享受到政策优惠, 使各项政策相互促进、相得益彰, 才能实现低收入者和“夹心层”的“无缝对接”, 从而真正实现“居者有其”。