更新时间:05-16 编辑老师:佚名
三、小说中大量描写了关于酗酒、吸毒、同性恋、流浪、开快车等与主流文化价值观不符的反文化行为。“垮掉一代” 以一种及时行乐的反文化的生活态度,过着放浪不羁的生活。经过研究得出结论:小说《在路上》所有这些反文化的表象实际上是他们在更深层次上所进行的精神上的反叛与探索。并且在一定程度上催化了在美国甚至是整个西方世界的嬉皮士运动和摇滚文化,同时也是60年代新“左”派浪潮的先声。
Impromptu and Rebellion –Elements of the Beat Generation's Counter-culture In On the Road
Thesis Statement: The elements of Beat Generation’s counter- culture in On the Road shows the value of marginalized cultures. The novel has begun to gain the American public awareness of the beatnik culture, also it is also an inspiration for future generation and anyone who feels dissatisfied with the pressure with the American culture to conform to a conventional lifestyle. On the one hand, this inspiration results from Jack Kerouac’s “Spontaneous writing” and Jazz improvisation .On the other hand, it results from the rebellious life behaviors of the “beats”.
A. A brief introduction of On the Road and its author.
B. A summary of criticisms on the novel.
C. Thesis statements
II.The Impromptu Elements of Impromptu and Rebellion –Elements of the Beat Generation's Counter-culture In On the Road
A. Summary of impromptu elements in On the Road
B. Jack Kerouac writing technique in On the Road - “Spontaneous writing”
C. Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty with Jazz improvisation in On the Road
1. Circumstance of the Bebop Jazz background .
2. Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty listen to Jazz with great gusto, even do some crazy things.
D. The impromptu elements in On the Road have an impact on Beat Generation’s counter- culture. It beckons the hipster culture and the bohemian lifestyles.
III.The Rebellion Elements of Impromptu and Rebellion –Elements of the Beat
Generation's Counter-culture In On the Road
A. Circumstance of social background after Postwar.
B. The mainly rebellious behaviors of Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty.
1. Alcohol and drug abuse
2. Wild sexual activity
3. Contempt of law - Dean Moriarty is a rodder, always driving in high speed and in crazy way.